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Clos » Covid-19


CLOS Military Logistics Optimization Software

How the COVID-19 outbreak is affecting logistics

Please browse the recent articles featuring COVID-19. The CLOS blog features industry news, latest customer stories, product features and analysis for our customers and peers in the industry.

The 2019/2020 COVID-19 outbreak has caused widespread, unprecedented disruption to supply chains and logistics operations on a global scale. At the time of writing, there is no treatment or vaccine for the virus and across the world social distancing measures are in place to help minimize the spread and protect populations. Because of this, there are fewer production and logistics operations personnel working on the ground and supply chains are grinding to a halt as a result.

How CLOS can help

CLOS Collaborative Logistics Optimization System has been designed for military logistics operations and is highly secure and intelligent. Using complex Machine Learning algorithms and next generation features, CLOS can account for any and all available constraints and produce the optimal logistics plan quickly and accurately.

Using automation and the latest technologies can support vital social distancing practices and maintain a level of efficiency across all logistics processes to minimize ground delays and ensure a fully optimized load. Commercial aviation has suffered from the COVID-19 outbreak and an increased demand for vital food, medicines and hygiene supplies has arisen. With additional complexities surrounding logistics during the pandemic, there has never been a more important time to use logistics software to accelerate and streamline planning.

In addition to reading our blog we recommend you connect with us on LinkedIn for even more updates.

A message to our friends and customers CLOS military logistics

A Message to our Friends & Customers

Dear customers and friends, We don’t need to tell you that this is a difficult time – you are no doubt facing significant challenges within your organization as all of us get to grips with the impact of the coronavirus on our daily lives. Over the coming months, technology is clearly going to play a key role in maintaining operational continuity, and we wanted to let you know that we… Read More »A Message to our Friends & Customers

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