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Artificial Intelligence

CLOS Military Logistics Optimization Software

Read more articles about Artificial Intelligence and how it is helping to improve preparedness and optimize military logistics. CLOS logistics optimization software.

CLOS How the Use of Predictive Analytics Today Will Shape Future Military Logistics

How the Use of Predictive Analytics Today Will Shape Future Military Logistics

Predictive analytics is already changing the way logistics companies do business, using big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning to shape the planning process like never before. When this data is processed, logistics has the opportunity to become proactive in decision-making. In the military world, this can offer big advantages in terms of preparedness and the ability to deal with disruption, enabling real-time changes to logistics planning. What are Predictive… Read More »How the Use of Predictive Analytics Today Will Shape Future Military Logistics

Military Logistics Mission Planning


When the US military starts talking about the use of Artificial Intelligence in combat situations, it is difficult not to visualise legions of Hollywood-style, heavily-armed robotic soldiers marching into war. The reality is that AI solutions will play a far less physical and much more integrated role in the future of warfare. In order to process the inordinate amounts of data and information inevitably produced during maneuvers, the military would… Read More »HOW THE US ARMY VIEWS THE ROLE OF AI IN FUTURE MILITARY WARFARE

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